About Solano

Solano, who studied business at university and worked in corporate for many years, eventually shifted his focus into researching and working with wellbeing and therapies.

Despite his business background, he has always had a fascination with exploring the mysteries of life and has been exposed to a variety of religious and spiritual traditions. From Judaic Christian teachings to African and South American native ceremonies and rites in Brazil, Solano has learned from different teachers and schools of wisdom. Over time, he expanded his exploration to include Buddhism and Hindu teachings. As a result of his studies, Solano developed a deep passion for meditation, which he has been practicing and teaching for over a decade. Despite his interest in the spiritual domain of reality, Solano approaches his work in wellbeing and therapy based in science and experiential learning. While he has been exposed to a variety of religious and spiritual traditions, Solano's approach is grounded in evidence-based practices that have been scientifically validated. His business background may have influenced this approach, as he may be accustomed to using data and research to inform decision-making.

Solano's own experience with meditation and many other practices as well as different approaches to therapy likely led him to value experiential learning, as he knows firsthand the transformative power of these practices. Given his experience in the corporate world, Solano likely brings a unique perspective to his work as a wellbeing coach and therapist. He may emphasize the importance of integrating mindfulness practices into daily life in order to reduce stress and increase resilience in high-pressure environments. Additionally, he's well-versed in the latest research on the benefits of the modalities he's been working with for improving workplace performance and employee well-being.

Solano's work is dedicated to promoting wellbeing and self-empowerment by emphasizing healing, supporting individuals in overcoming challenges, and upgrading their mental, emotional, and physical state, all to help them move forward in life. With his unique background and approach, Solano is a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their overall wellbeing and achieve personal growth.

Solano Domingos profile
Solano Domingos sitting in meditation on the rocks at the beach

After experiencing the transformative power of meditation and studying under his first teacher, Simon Hollington, in Australia, Solano was inspired to spread the word about this powerful science and art. To prepare for this, he underwent a rigorous meditation/mindfulness teacher's training program under the mentorship and supervision of Louise Gilmore at the Awareness Institute in Sydney. He has also been studying and applying to himself and clients different types of coaching systems and self-development programs according to each one’s needs.
One of the most powerful modalities he’s been working with is the Systemic Work or Family Constellations which is, according to him, “one of the most transformative modalities I’ve ever encountered”.

He started connecting with Family Constellations as a client until he became a student and finally, Solano has been facilitating FC private and group sessions, thanks to his friend and mentor Anna Patricia Chagas, a psychologist, body therapist and family constellation facilitator (amongst many other modalities) from Brazil who according to Solano "is one of the most skillful and complete therapists I've ever encountered".

Apart from his work with Family Constellations and as a certified teacher and group facilitator in Transformative Meditation and mindfulness practices with many years of experience in teaching groups and private coaching sessions, Solano is also a Reiki Master, and has been initiated into Sekhem Seichim Energy Healing and to South American Ceremonial Healing and shamanic practices.


“Learning with Solano has been a wonderful introduction to the practice of meditation.
His wisdom along with his practical, caring approach to teaching really helped me to not only understand the concepts, but also apply them to my life.

During our online classes it felt as though we were in the same room. Having Solano listen, explain and coach me through my meditation practice was always a great experience for me and one I would highly recommend to anyone interested in learning the practice of meditation."

Matt Johnson

"I met Solano last year when I was looking for someone to give me an introduction to meditation. He taught me techniques to form the foundation of my practice, as well as the theory behind them. I always like to know ‘why’ so this was very important to me.

Solano is calm, friendly and thoughtful in his approach to teaching, and always goes out of his way to offer extra support outside of lessons. I would recommend him to those who want guidance in establishing a regular meditation practice, or anyone looking for more advanced techniques to enhance their existing practice."

Jemima Todd

"Being a long term sufferer of anxiety I had attempted different therapy support over the years to only end up feeling like I was never able to get on top of it. Despite many attempts I didn't understand how to meditate which was a challenge as so much research I had done over the years suggested this was the key to unlock my debilitating anxious mind. Solano provided me with 5 one on one sessions and not just taught me how to meditate (which once understood was so shockingly easy!) but he also invested in understanding the causes of my anxiety and in turn overcome them.
18 months on and am in such a great, ambient headspace and still meditating. So grateful for the life changing skill Solano has provided me."

Belinda Maybury

"I would like to thank you for changing my life!
Doing this meditation course was one of the best decisions I've ever made, don't get me wrong, it was not easy... seating still and looking within for a person who suffers from anxiety?! DEFINITELY not easy, but with your amazing support, follow ups and informative emails following our sessions, I made it through.
I am way more focused and less anxious; work is better; my relationship is better and I'm better.
Thank you for this amazing experience.
Thank you for doing what you do!"

Marcella Siciliano

"I can’t thank you enough Solano for your time together to do a constellation. You were able to really listen to me and allow what needed to come to the surface come without any judgement. You explained everything to me in such a way that I felt so safe and calm through out the session and was able to really be there and present.
I feel like the depths we went to were incredibly life changing (and equivalent to years of “work”). I am still “integrating“ what you helped me uncover /see and for that I am so grateful. I highly recommend a session with you Solano and I tell everyone I meet!! Thank you again."

Martina Dezani

“Solano has guided me through meditation and helped me understand its concept, and its practice on a very deep level. Very recommended! I have done multiple courses and can say he is a very knowledgeable, experienced & grounded teacher that people are able to connect to for good understandings about the practice.
I also like that he combines spirituality with scientific study. The harder part is doing the self-practice, but when I dedicated the time each day and made it a habit, and heard the teachings in my head (or referred to the great class notes) before I got to the real moments of meditation, it started to help me greatly in my life.
The journey is constantly evolving, and meditation is one of those things that I believe will always incorporate into my routine as the benefits are so valuable. It’s a constant learning process, I believe what I have learnt so far is just a drop in the ocean…”

Adamo Medici

"Solano has wonderful skills and for made me feel safe to share my privacy. The Family Constellation combined with different meditations techniques gave me a profound experience of healing, love and gratitude.
It also made the energy flows and lots of things started to change and I also start to change with it. I highly recommend him.Thank you so much my friend!"

Eloy Oliveira

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