Systemic Mentoring

Are you ready to break free from the relentless cycle of challenges and embrace a life of unparalleled growth?

Join this transformative path towards self-mastery andunleash your full potential.

Sunrise on horizone over mountains
Person standing on rocks with sunrise in background

Why C.O.R.E.?

During the course of our lives we grapple with a wide range of challenges, from financial hardships to relationship complexities, bad habits, lack of purpose, and health concerns just to mention a few.

These issues aren't solely external; they stem from deep-seated internal programs shaped by familial upbringing and ancestral influences.

Ever wondered why certain challenges seem to stick around no matter how hard you try to shake them off? It's not bad luck or an unalterable fate - it's your internal programming at play. Think of it like a hidden script, designed by your family upbringing and ancestral influences, quietly dictating what you attract and repel from your life.

The question is, have you been grappling with these challenges for an extended period without a roadmap to change the script?

Stone statues in pensive pose
Stacked stones with trees and sunshine in background

Through our C.O.R.E. program, we delve deep into the roots of these influences, illuminating the invisible threads that bind us to our past.

By gaining insight into these dynamics and bringing resolution to unresolved issues we empower you to break free from the grip of ancestral patterns, liberating yourself from the limitations of the past and opening the door to a future overflowing with potential, success and health.

Imagine this:

Your beliefs are the architects of your mindset, shaping your attitudes and actions, which, in turn, orchestrate the outcomes you achieve in life.

Your mindset is the lens through which you view the world. Think of your mindset as the filter colouring your perceptions, shaping your actions and reactions, and influencing your

It's a crucial piece of the puzzle because it sets the tone for the attitudes and actions that follow.

It's a powerful cascade effect that either propels you towards a life of purpose, abundance, health, and incredible relationships or holds you back in a loop of challenges as some of your beliefs, buried deep within, are not serving you well. They act like invisible barriers, influencing your mindset, dictating your attitudes, and ultimately steering the ship of your life.

The C. O. R. E. program recognises the importance of dismantling these limiting beliefs - the ones blocking your path to the life you truly desire.

Lens held up in front of lake and mountains
Person standing on mountain with open arms facing sunrise

Now, imagine the impact of upgrading the entire system.

C.O.R.E. isn't just about tweaking a few things here and there - it's a holistic approach to clearing the path to your desired life. It's about identifying and getting rid of the unconscious dynamics and patterns that govern those beliefs that no longer serve you, reshaping your mindset, and cultivating attitudes and actions that align with a life of purpose, abundance, health, and incredible relationships.

Free Your Essence, Dictate Your Direction. Throughout this process, you'll release the burdens of the past that have kept you stuck in recurrent challenges, allowing your own essence to dictate the direction and results of your life.

As you shed the layers of limitation, you'll step into a newfound sense of freedom, authenticity, and empowerment, ready to embrace the infinite possibilities that await you.


8 fortnightly sessions - Structured sessions addressing your unique challenges and desired outcomes.


Embark on your journey to personal growth and empowerment with this transformative program available at A$1,888

Person hiking to the top of a mountain
Person looking up into the sky with folded hands

Ready to step into
the limitless potential
within you?

Contact Solano today to learn more about how C.O.R.E. - Systemic Mentoring can empower you to transform your life.

Don't wait any longer to embark on this transformative journey of healing and growth.

Your future self will thank you for taking this bold step toward a reality defined by wholeness,

Stay updated on upcoming events and helpful information to bring mindfulness and transformation to your everyday life.