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Changing Mindset Through Action

Solano Domingos
December 7, 2022
This is how powerful our mindset is…

This is how powerful our mindset is…

Our mindset is established according to our values and beliefs and will dictate our behaviours and thinking patterns, hence, shaping our reality according to them.

The majority of dynamics involved in the process of shaping our mindset are totally unconscious to us.

The outcomes we have and our current situation in life is deeply dependent on the mindset we encounter ourselves in. As we mature, especially for those who are engaged in their self-development process, we probably become aware along the way that many of our behaviours and thinking patterns are not working in our favour anymore and are actually holding us back having a negative impact our lives and, more often than not, becoming aware of these undesirable patterns is not enough to promote change.

For example: if you firmly believe you’re not good enough to achieve your goals that will prove itself to be true causing a lot of discomfort and/or suffering in your life leaving you with a bad self-image and a deep sense of failure that will lead to coping strategies like drinking, smoking, eating disorders and other bad habits and addictions so you can deal with the frustration of being a failure.

Part of the narrative out there is that one needs to change its thinking patterns and belief system in order to start taking action to change their reality but neuroscience research shows that in order to change our minds we should go for taking the right action first so then we can change our mindset. Exactly, the power of changing our mind starts with taking action.

Our belief system and values are so rooted in our brains where the neuro connections are so well established that we really need to go straight to consistent action in order to change whatever we hold on to in terms of mindset.

A good example is someone who'd really love to loose weight but has always believed that is impossible to do so and have never tried to change his/her diet and have never exercised or tried to do it in the past but was not consistent with any strategy to get fit. The best way forward for this person is to stick to changing his diet and a specific fitness program consistently so whenever he realises he’s actually loosing weight some new neuro connections start to get establish changing overtime the idea that he’ll never get fit.

Its important to address some extremely important factors in regard to why certain thinking patterns and behaviours were establish in the first place like traumas and transgenerational trauma, entanglements with family members, the environment during childhood, etc. which is also fundamental when we are talking about changing ourselves in order to improve our lives so its fundamental to recognise that the road to the transformation of our mindset quite often demands the support of a facilitator who can help us to move beyond our limitations. If we take the example above, the first action of the person looking to transform his/her body and health perhaps would be getting in touch with a nutritionist or naturopath and a personal trainer.

Silhouette of tree with sun shining behind

A lot of times, this is the first kind of action we need: to find support with a competent facilitator in a specific modality that will enable us to move forward and upgrade our behaviours and thinking patterns.

Family Constellation is one of the most effective ways to move beyond the limitations of our inherited negative mindset and transgenerational trauma which, most of the time, is what holds people back and create difficulties in many areas of their lives.

The work in Family Constellation goes straight to the energetic dynamic that is blocking our way and is limiting our possibilities in life.

After a Family Constellation session people will feel free and motivated to take the next step (or action) toward expansion and growth without the heavy weight of the past on their shoulders.

Take some deep breaths and contemplate areas of your life where you feel stuck and what is the mindset associated to it allowing the answers to come to you rather then forcing them to appear… then, contemplate and reflect on what kind of action you could take straight away (no matter how simple or small) in order to move beyond your current mindset and write down your reflections and potential solutions for you to start to move forward and improve your life.

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