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Orders of Love

Solano Domingos
December 21, 2022
Every family has a common soul and a common conscience.

There’re unbreakable universal laws regulating all human systems.

Problems and challenging situations we face in our lives arise when one or more of these natural orders are ignored or violated. Bert hellinger called them Orders of Love which are:

  1. Belonging
    Everyone in the family has the right to belong. If a family member is rejected, forgotten or ignored then the flow of love is blocked between the generations and a descendant will identify unconsciously with the excluded ancestor and bear that burden.
  2. Hierarchy
    The chronological order must be respected. Parents come before their sons and daughters. The first child comes before the second and so on. The ones who come first assume the responsibilities. Children are free to be children. The older ones have rights and duties towards the younger ones.
  3. Balance
    The basic life principle of balance between giving and taking is determined by our conscience. It's fundamental for our relationships. For most relationships like couples, for example, the balance between giving and receiving must be equal. Between parents and children is different: parents give and children receive.

When the Orders of Love are disrupted in any human system (being family perhaps the main one) we face all sorts of problem and challenges from physical illnesses, difficulties in relationships, financial problems, lack of purpose and more.

Family Constellations can reestablish the orders of love in a family or human system allowing the flow of love to move freely so it breaks the bonds of generational trauma and limitations. It provides powerful healing, insights and gifts to ourselves and our whole family system.

I’m here to assist you in your process of becoming aware and resolving the disruptions in your system, hence, bringing healing and overcoming your challenges.

Book a free 20 minute call with me

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